Symposium - Clinical immunology - Free registration
Saturday March 19th 2016, 9 :00 - 13 :00
Erasme Campus (Foyer) - Auditorium F2.103
Accreditation pending (including 1 hour ethics/economy)
Programme (PDF)
The MISIM (maladies inflammatoires systémiques immuno-médiées (systemic immune-mediated inflammatory conditions)) trans-disciplinary platform is holding a half-day symposium on March 19th entitled « The first cross-border encounter in clinical immunology ».
Thanks to support from the Université Libre de Bruxelles (celebrating the Year of France), three experts from France will join three physicians from Brussels to present the most recent advances in clinical immunology topics that will interest rheumatologists, internists, hematologists, gastro-enterologists, and dermatologists, both experienced and in training.
This event is in keeping with the approach of the MISIM platform, whose aim is to improve the management of systemic inflammatory conditions through continuing education and by nurturing a convivial and constructive pluri-disciplinary spirit.
Participation is free but registration is encouraged (see registration form).
For more information, contact Dr. Florence Roufosse
Phone: 02 555 3806
9 :00 - 9 :30 Accueil des participants
9 :30 - 9 :40 Introduction - Présentations
9 :40 - 10 :10 Prof. J. Sibilia (CHU de Strasbourg, Service de Rhumatologie)
Actualités sur les maladies auto-inflammatoires de l’adulte
10 :10 - 10 :40 Prof. D. Franchimont (Hôpital Erasme, Service de Gastro-Entérologie) Maladies inflammatoires chroniques intestinales (MICI) : des avancées génétiques aux nouveaux traitements ciblés
10 :40 - 11 :10 Prof. O. Hermine (Hôpital Universitaire Necker, Paris, Service d’Hématologie de l’Adulte)
Actualités sur la mastocytose et le syndrome d’activation mastocytaire
11 :10 - 11 :30 Pause café
11 :30 - 12 :00 Prof. E. Cogan et F. Roufosse (Hôpital Erasme, Service de Médecine Interne)
Les syndromes hyperéosinophiliques : de la recherche translationnelle aux avancées thérapeutiques et vice versa
12 :00 - 13 :00 Prof. T. Martin (CHU de Strasbourg, Service de Médecine Interne et d’Immunologie Clinique)
Les lymphocytes B comme cibles thérapeutiques dans les maladies inflammatoires systémiques (éthique et économie)
13 :00 Apéro - Lunch