Annual Congress of the Belgian Society of Internal Medicine
Location: Dolce La Hulpe, Chaussee de Bruxelles 135, La Hulpe 1310, Belgium
Time: 9:00 - 17:00
Friday, December 6, 2024
- 09:00 - 09:05: Welcome by the President
- 09:05 - 09:45: Lecture: Best Belgian Clinical Article in Internal Medicine 2023
“Once weekly insulin as basal insulin in diabetes”, by Chantal Mathieu
- 09:45: Workshops:
- Point-of-Care Ultrasound
- Introduction Ultrasound in General Internal Medicine and hands-on training
- Led by: Dieter De Clerck, Filippo Annoni, Juan Pablo Herreraavila
(Limited places available)
- Infectious Diseases
- Immunostart: Preparing Patients for Immunosuppression by Charlotte Martin
- Importance of History Taking in Diagnostic Workup of Fever Patients by Eric Florence
- 11:25: Coffee Break
- 11:45: Satellite Symposium by MSD:
Pneumococcal epidemiology, disease and prevention in Belgium
Epidemiology of pneumococcal disease in Belgium by Stefanie Desmet
Pneumococcal disease and its prevention by Johan Flamaing
- 12:30: Lunch and Poster Viewing
- 13:30: Satellite Symposium by GSK:
Vaccination Strategies for Herpes Zoster and RSV: A
Path to Better Immunity
By Marie-Angelique de Scheerder and Nicolas Dauby
- 14:15: Young Clinician's Award Session and voting
off-label use of avacopan in a patient with anca-associated vasculitis-related life-threatening diffuse lung haemorrhage
Margaux Leclercq, Raphael Mottale, Hamza Yousfi, Lionel Leblanc, Frédéric Vandergheynst
Unveiling PTPN2 mutations in two families as a novel genetic driver fueling autoimmunity
Leslie Naesens, Bram Meertens, Marieke De Bruyne, Lore Pottie, Ciel De Vriendt, Tessa Kerre, Simon Tavernier, Filomeen Haerynck
The Evolving Understanding of Low-Penetrance NLRP3 Variants: A Case Report
Aya Sayah, Frederic Vandergheynst, Louis Wolff
A rare cause of hematuria : when the doctor becomes a detective
Elisa Aldersons, Halil Yildiz
When Life-Saving Treatment Turns Rogue: A Rare Case of Acquired Hemophilia A in Metastatic Melanoma
Sarah Will, Olivier Descamps, Marie-Christine Ngirabacu
- 15:10: Coffee Break
- 15:20: Workshops
- Point-of-Care Ultrasound
- Introduction Ultrasound in General Internal Medicine and hands-on training
- Led by: Dieter De Clerck, Filippo Annoni, Juan Pablo Herreraavila
(Limited places available)
- Neurology
- Neurological complications of systemic diseases by Vincent van Pesch
- Neuroreumatology and Neuroinfectiology by Guy Laureys
- 17:00: End of Sessions
- 17:10: General Assembly
Saturday, December 7, 2024
Location: Dolce La Hulpe, Chaussee de Bruxelles 135, La Hulpe 1310, Belgium
Time: 9:00 – 13.00
- 08:55 - 09:00: Welcome by the President
- 09:00 - 09:35: Lecture: Immunotherapies by Sandrine Aspeslagh
- 09:35 - 10:00: Lecture: The internist in the vaccination landscape by Steven Callens
- 10:00 - 10:35: Young Internists Corner
Organized by L. Wolff and M. De Moor
10:35:Coffee Break and Poster Viewing
- 11:00 - 11:30: Lecture: General Internal Medicine in Climate Change by Pauline Modrie
- 11:30 - 12:15: Panel discussion "The connective tissue of healthcare: the internist pioneering frontiers and unifying specialties”
by: Grégoire Wieers, Patrick Lacor and Steven Callens
Introduction by (Patrick Lacor): “Let’s share a dream.”
- 12:15 - 12:55: Young Investigator’s Session and voting
Implementation of machine learning-based multiplex
cytokine analysis for resolving FUO/IUO (fever and inflammation of unknown
origin): a tertiary hospital experience
Naesens, Bram Meertens, Levi Hoste, Karlien Claes, Marie-Angélique De
Scheerder, Steven Callens, Filomeen Haerynck
Mepolizumab in patients with lymphoid variant
hypereosinophilic syndrome: a multi-center prospective study.
Catherine, Sina Karimi, Laurent Dewispelaere, Christophe Lelubre, Liliane
Schandené, Florence Roufosse
Hypereosinophilic syndrome response to mepolizumab
in the setting of a compassionate use program.
Coussement, Julien Catherine, Florence Roufosse
- 12:55 - 13:10: Professional Union Session
- 13:10: Award Session and Closure