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Belgian Society of Internal Medicine

aims to foster the development, dissemination, research and education of internal medicine in Belgium.

  • Welcome
  • 15th Annual Congres of Internal Medicine

15th Annual Congres of Internal Medicine

  • 03 Dec 2010
  • 04 Dec 2010
  • -
Workshops and joint meetings Friday December 3rd, 2010
  • General Internal Medicine (slides) - S. Vanderschueren, KUL
  • Case 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 - G. Decaux, ULB
  • 4 cases in a box (slides) - W. Meersseman, KUL
  • A special case of auto-immune polyglandular syndrome. - B. Velkeniers, VUB
  • Diagnostic approach of gynaecomastia in the young male adult. (slides) - D. Maiter, UCL
  • Low TSH concentration: should we care about it? (slides) - B. Velkeniers, VUB
  • Alterations of the thyroid functions tests: it is not always the thyroid! (slides) - D. Maiter, UCL
  • Diabetic ketoacidosis (slides) - B. Velkeniers, VUB
  • Typing a diabetes in 2010. Is it easy? (slides) - D. Maiter, UCL
  • Anti-thyroid auto-immunity and infertility. (slides) - B. Velkeniers, VUB - K. Poppe, VUB
Joint meeting with the Belgian Working Group of Angiology
  • Unusual deep vein thrombosis (slides) - K. Von Kemp, VUB
  • Acral vascular disorder (slides) - J. Wautrecht, ULB
Joint meeting with the Belgian Society of Oncology
  • Understanding and managing the side effects of molecular-targeted therapies in solid tumors (slides) - A. Awada, Jules Bordet Institute
  • B-Raf inhibitors in melanoma (slides) - J. Baurain, UCL
  • Hormonal treatment in the adjuvant and metastatic setting in prostate cancer (slides) - D. Schrijvers, UCL
  • Chemotherapy in metastatic prostate cancer - J. Machiels, UCL
  • Role of taxanes in the adjuvant treatment of breast cancer: roel of sequence and ER status - H. Wildiers, LKI
  • Targetted treatment in non-small cell lung cancer - J. De Grève, VUB
  • Hedgehog inhibitors in basal cell cercinoma (slides) - L. Dirix, Iridium Kanker Netwerk
Radiology for the internist
  • Indications for MR emergency imaging in cerebro-spinal pathology (slides) - T. Stadnik, VUB
  • Side-by-side comparison between chest radiography and multidetector CT. A pictorial review in patients addressed for dyspnea (slides) - E. Coche, UCL
  • Tools and strategies in diagnostic abdominal imaging (slides) - D. Vanbeckevoort, KUL
  • Hypertensions (slides) - I. Becaus, OLV Aalst
  • Chronic kidney disease: screening and follow-up (slides) - W. Van Biesen
  • The central venous catheter as vascular access in hemodialysis: wolf in a sheepskin? (slides) - J. Billiouw, OLV Aalst
Plenary Sessions Saturday December 4th, 2010
  • How to manage hyponatremia (slides) - G. Decaux, ULB
  • Tumor revision: from the theory and the experiments to the bedside of patients - A. Telerman, Paris, France
  • How evident is Evidence-based medicine (slides) - R. Mertens, Belgian Health Care Knowledge Centre
  • An intriguing case of weight loss: interactive discussion -
    Young internists' corner
  • Clinical and biological to the diagnosis of tropical diseases (slides) - F. Van Gompel, Institute of Tropical Medicine, Antwerp
  • Guidelines for colorectal screening (slides) - A. Van Gossum, ULB
Investigators Award lectures
  • HIV viral load decay after initiation of HAART: is 'time to undetectability' (TTU) a valuable clinical parameter? (slides) - E. Motté et al. (Department of Internal Medicine, Aids-Reference Centre, UZ Brussel, Brussels, Belgium)
  • Improvement of mineral status in hemodialysis patients in Jolimont between November 2009 and August 2010 (slides) - B. Seront et al. (Jolimont Hospital, Haine Saint Paul, Belgium)
  • Left artrial appendage thrombus detection in patients with atrial fibrillation: comparison between multidetector computed tomography and transesophageal echocardiography: a pilot study (slides) - H. Rouvière et al. (Jolimont Hospital, Haine Saint Paul, Belgium)
  • CD4+ T-cell-inducing HIV vaccines may have an impact on viral control. Clues from cytokines produced by CD4+ T-cells from HIV infected patients and vaccinated seronegative volunteers (slides) - E. Van Braeckel et al. (Center for Vaccinology, Ghent University and Hospital, Ghent, Belgium)
  • Is TIMI-Score predictive of long-term cardiovascular events in young patients suffering of ST-segment elevationmyocardial infarction? A single hospital study.(slides) - L. Gerard et al. (Jolimont Hospital, Haine Saint Paul, Belgium)
  • Circulating tumour cells in peripheral and central venous blood of patients with metastatic breast cancer. (slides) - D. Peeters et al. (Translational Cancer Research Group Antwerp, Laboratory of pathology GZA Hospitals, Sint-Augustinus/University of Antwerp, Antwerp, Belgium)


S. Callens, MD
UZ Gent

General Internal Medicine
UZ Brussels


H. Yildiz, MD


F. Vandergheynst, MD
Erasme Hospital
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